Author archive

Slow News Week At HAC

[  How is that sometimes things grow and blossom against all odds?  ] Apparently surly baristas are nearly as good at getting people’s panties in a bunch as are bicycles.  All apologies for the lack of content lately, but the hugeasscity strategic planning retreat has been a time suck.  The best I can offer tonight […]

Public Service Announcement

[ Courtesy of Darick Chamberlin Design, an affiliate of Noisetank, Inc.]

Comment Black Hole

Hugeasscity’s Askimet comment spam filter is on the fritz, and has been blocking all comments. For now I have turned the filter off, so you should have no problem posting comments. I have tried to manually approve all the previously submitted legitimate comments, and I apologize to anyone who’s comment may have been inadvertently black-holed. […]

Noisetank History

Noisetank’s greatest moment came back in 2005 when, during an NPR Fresh Air interview, Terry Gross asked Paul Anka about “one last thing in the annals of Paul Anka lore, and this is a website that you probably really hate…” (starts at 20:55): The Guys Get Shirts had become an internet phenomenon. The Noisetank IT […]

Mainline hugeasscity: RSS is happy now

The management is pleased to announce that the hugeasscity RSS syndication functions have been repaired and are ready for your mainlining enjoyment. All apologies for any inconvenience. (That will teach me to use some random hack’s recent comments code… )