Author archive

A Humble Rebuttal

I recently subscribed to Crosscut in the hope that I’d have daily access to thoughtful views to the right of my own. There’s value in stretching your thinking, right? Well, imagine my dismay this morning when I read the stinking pile of doo doo that one Kent Kammerer put out in his piece, “Beware greens […]

… then we take Berlin

UPDATE: My apologies for the size of the pictures I posted yesterday. I’ve taken the sage advice of Josh and just posted them to Flickr. If any have interest in seeing them, let me know. Otherwise, treat this as a musing and go about your day.  Apropos of Dan’s Vancouver envy, I thought I’d share the object of my own recently […]

Housing, Political Courage, and Thinking Outside the Box

On Tuesday night’s Housing Forum put on by the Seattle Great City Initiative, a panel consisting of Tony To, Charlie Royer, Maria Barrientos, and Sally Clark participated in an often lively discussion on what Seattle needs to do to meet our housing shortages in a sustainable manner (disclaimer: I’m Vice-Chair of the SGCI Steering Committee).  There was some great perspectives […]

Seattle Too Easy on Developers? (Hint: that’s not the right question)

Since I’m the token real estate professional in this group, I’ve decided to comment on Friday’s article in the PI entitled, “Is Seattle too easy on Developers?” The issue at hand is the proposed incentive zoning that would offer additional height allowances in exchange for 3-7% of affordable (i.e., workforce) housing. This proposal has sparked […]