“Biofuels Aren’t Part Of The Solution At All.”

“They’re part of the problem.” So concludes Michael Grunwald’s recent Time Magazine cover story, “The Clean Energy Scam.”

Most readers are probably aware that biofuels have been the subject of increasing scrutiny over their potential to cause a net increase in greenhouse gas emissions due to deforestation, as well to raise food prices. But I for one, didn’t realize it was the completely “case closed” situation that is implied in the Time piece.

If true, does it not mean that biofuel production should be halted immediately? What’s Imperium Renewables to do with that $214 million they raised last year?  And what of Dr. Dan and all those biodiesel-burning VWs and Benzes with their “No War Required” bumper stickers?

Are there factors not considered in the Time piece that would support continued biofuel use under certain, perhaps localized circumstances? It’s probably safe to say that it’s still a net gain to burn waste vegetable oil, though that supply is relatively small.  Are there any other conditions under which biofuels make sense?