Unauthorized Rogue HAC Endorsement of Mike McGinn for Mayor
Disclaimer: The following is the sole opinion of Dave and doesn’t necessarily represent the views of anyone else past or present at hugeasscity (but probably does).
Last night I had the pleasure of being invited for a leisurely bike ride down to Mount Baker to attend an informational house party hosted by the McGinn for Mayor campaign. Arriving fashionably late, we managed to enter right as McGinn began to explain to attendees why he should be Seattle’s next mayor. Now I have to admit, I’m predisposed to support McGinn. While serving as chair of the Seattle Sierra club, McGinn’s voice was the lone outspoken critic of the “Roads and Transit” initiative. Mike’s leadership was key in convincing voters like me that environmentalist and transit advocates need not accept the Faustian bargain presented to us. “Roads and transit” failed, and last November Sound Transit 2 passed overwhelmingly.
This time around, McGinn is targetting another potential disaster, a $4.2 billion tunnel through downtown that no one in Seattle seems to want or pay for. The state has announced by decree that Seattle will have a tunnel and that Seattle will pay for it. Now no offense to the state, but there are plenty of other world class cities that don’t have waterfront highways, and even one just a few hundreds miles north that has no highways cutting through it at all. Lets face it, with the school district closing schools and the library cutting hours, this city really doesn’t have the money to pay for a 1950’s auto extravagance in 2009. McGinn is the only candidate in this race who opposes the tunnel. Voting for him in the August 18th primary ensures that we have serious debate on the issue during the general election.
Now for some constructive criticism. McGinn’s campaign has three core pillars: transportation, education and internet infrastructure…Wait internet infrastructure? Huh? As a tech geek and engineer I have to admit that a city run fiber optic network does seem kind of cool, but there are many more pressing issues he can and should concentrate on. My neighborhood for instance has a huge gang problem. Last year marked one of the worst in recent memory for gang related shootings in the city. How is he going to address this problem? Artist are being run out of Capitol Hill, how do we as a city prioritize the need for a vibrant art community which makes neighborhoods like Capitol Hill desirable for all us condo buyers? I’m also curious about his position on night life in the city. The law may say that bars must stop serving at two, but 1:15 unfortunately seems like the norm these days. These and other questions about the future of our city will be asked if McGinn makes it into the general election. Some well thought out answers would be nice.