Interdependence Day
It’s time to rename the 4th of July. Last night as I watched the fireworks with hundreds of others from the steep slope of Boston Street on the west edge of Capitol Hill, my feeble hyperactive brain began to drown in thoughts of how I was witnessing last gasps of of dying way of life.
The age of independence is over.  Our obsession with independence has been a failed experiment, both socially and environmentally.  And our prospects in the coming age will be largely determined by our understanding of, and reverence for interdependence.
So, in the spirit of interdependence, I thank all those who stepped up to keep hugeasscity alive during my recharge, and an especially big thank you to my favorite mistress Madame Density, whose mastery of the art of discipline was a godsend.
Apparently I’m ready to stop being tincandenza and get back into it. But don’t let that stop those of you who have recently lost your hugeasscity virginity from continuing to contribute posts to this blog. And to those who couldn’t get up the nerve, don’t worry, we’ll be gentle with you if you ever decide to take the plunge.
Working together we can all help make this blog a bigger force for good. It’s the interdependence thing.