[ Rendering: Group Architect ]
Like a hornet. Like a crayola crayon. Pure, saturated, unapologetic yellow. Five uninterrupted stories of it, no less. And, OMG, it’s right next to traditional brick apartment buildings on both sides. Seattle, are you going to stand for it, this boldness, this blatant disrespect for context?
This happy yellow thing proposed for the corner of Thomas and Melrose on the west edge of Capitol Hill will house 30 apartments and 32 below grade parking stalls; designed by Group Architect. Final design review (big pdf) is March 19.
Perhaps not the most elegant design, but I’ll take simple over cluttered and confused. And check out the size of those balconies — they are requesting a departure to allow them to protrude so close to the property line.
So what are the odds that all that yellow will end up on the finished building?