Archive for the 'uncategorized' category

Dear Joel Connelly: You, sir, are a hack

Dear Joel: You recently wrote a letter to Jeff Lee, the owner of Two Bells restaurant in Belltown. I had the opportunity to read this “letter” on the PI’s website – mainly because it wasn’t really a letter, but a column. Actually, it wasn’t really much of a column, either. I’d say it was more […]


My Kind of NIMBYs

City Inside/Out covered the Seattle’s classic neighborhood story tonight. “Evil” property owner. “Angry” neighbors. Proposal for mixed-use towers next to cute craftsman-style single-family homes and a quarter mile to a future light rail station. But the angry neighbors are hardly typical. Led by the Roosevelt Neighborhood Association they fought to locate a light rail station […]

Get Your Group Blog On

Dan has no idea what type of monster he created if he thought a little Gone Fishin’ post would kill this thing. Oh, no, no, where one head was severed, loads more have sprouted, and this Hydra has all sorts of hugeass plans for this blog. So here is the deal: Over the next month […]

Gone Fishin’

Anyone wanna buy a blog?  Comes with 13,000 unique visits per month! It’s been 18 months, 452 posts, and 3467 comments since I created this monster.   Time for a break, the cranium needs a rest, and so the Hugeasscity Foundation is sending me on an indefinite sabbatical.  Coincidentally, today a friend loaned me a […]

More Center For Neighborhood Technology Righteousness

CNT had already developed a model for predicting vehicle miles traveled (VMT) for their Housing and Transportation Affordability Index, so it was pretty much a plug and chug to get the household greenhouse gas emissions produced by driving, as mapped in the image above.  The relationship is clear:  more urban = less driving = less […]

Etiquette Question

Say you’re riding home on your bike on a nice sunny evening, and you’re a few blocks from home on 24th Ave behind the post office at 23rd and Union, and you see a man and a woman huddled together against the chain link fence, and while he is busy lighting up some kind of […]

Your Tax Dollars Hard At Work

Not only do we spend bazillions subsidizing car use, we also have to cover the expense of trying to lower the carnage rates by reminding people to do the simplest of things.  Buckling a seat belt has got to be one of the world’s all time no-brainers.  If we can’t trust people to “click it” […]

Required Reading (Because Deep Down You Love Being Told What To Do)

The Option of Urbanism by Christopher B. Leinberger.  (Yep, I’m late to the party, but life has its distractions…)  This is the same Leinberger who made a splash last year with his Atlantic article entitled “The Next Slum?” wherein he predicted that “drivable suburbanism” will not hold it’s value over time. Unlike some who would […]

Can’t Get Enough Of That Tasty Cognitive Dissonance

And the editorial pages of last Friday’s Wall Street Journal were serving up the good stuff.  First there was this cap and trade critique by Indiana governor Mitch Daniels,  who, after ranting for a while about imperialism, bragged that “the world’s first commercial-scale clean coal power plant is under construction in our state.” Apparently Mr. […]


Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Climate Change Doublethink

At this morning’s announcement event for a new “Climate 2009” executive order, Washington Governor Chris Gregoire was introduced as “the best climate change governor in the nation.” It’s hard to know how to interpret that. Just last week, on the waterfront just a few blocks south of today’s event at Pier 66, Gregoire spoke at […]

Too Much Green For Green In Greenlake

Johnson said she hopes Ashworth Cottages shows other developers that such projects are feasible. “It has to make economic sense to get other developers to do it.” “It’s not about making the most money on every job.  If it was, you probably wouldn’t do sustainability to begin with,” Pryde said. But that was 2007.  And […]


UPDATE:  didn’t mean to lock down the comments — they’re now back open, no need to register. Two evenings ago I started working on a new post, hit the save button, and was redirected to the hugeasscity homepage.  Went back, and found that my draft was not saved.  Tried again.  And again.  Same deal.  Busted. […]

In Case You Didn’t Get The Memo, Seattle Is Over-The-Top Crazy Beautiful At This Time Of Year

Masses of lushness bursting from everywhere.  How is it possible for so much plant matter to be created so fast out of nothing?

Good Urban Park

Strolling through Capitol Hill’s Cal Anderson Park on a nice day you get the feeling that you’re in a real urban neighborhood in a real city.  No other park in Seattle does it better.

“T” Sans “D” (UPDATED)

WHEN SOUND TRANSIT Light Link Rail makes its debut this July, outside of downtown Seattle, not a single significant new private development will be there to greet it. Transit-oriented development (TOD) is widely recognized to be an ideal land-use pattern for achieving sustainable growth. But while our “T” is finally arriving, so far the “D” […]