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Defending the SLUT

I’m a bit surprised at myself for writing this. But this is actually more about defending the idea of the SLUT, more than the actual SLUT itself. I know there is considerable suspicion that surrounds anything connected to Vulcan and it’s perceived influence on city matters. But this maybe a step in the right direction, at least on an ideological basis, as well as a reversal of trends that are more than vaguely criminal in origin.

James Howard Kunstler was in town a couple of weeks ago. I heard him on KUOW, plugging his new novel while explaining how the entire economic structure behind the automobile and the suburb is not sustainable and sooner than later it will fail. I decided to pick up a copy of his Geography of Nowhere and get more into his nasty details. Now I’m not totally sold on his more economic doomsday tone, but his history on the murder of municipal public transportation is very enlightening indeed.

It was is a complex criminal conspiracy involving the auto industry, the oil industry and tire companies that killed such things as the electric street car lines. And this is not one of those tin-hatted theories that one usually finds on badly designed webpages with atrocious grammar. General Motors was actually indicted and convicted of criminal conspiracy in 1949 for what they did to bring down the trolley system in Los Angeles.

Maybe something like the SLUT is simply a small step in the direction away from the ultimately dysfunctional residence pattern that was criminally foisted upon us by a small number of very wealthy individuals looking for even larger profits, ironically taken by a single, wealthy individual looking for larger profits. Not sure what to think about that…

Cheap SLUT

 The New Seattle Streetcar!!!

Just took a ride on the Seattle Streetcar!, and as we started at Westlake and Stewart, and immediately stopped at Westlake and Stewart, then started, and immediately stopped at Westlake and 6th, then started, and immediately stopped at Westlake and Virginia St, then started, and immediately stopped at Westlake and 7th,… you get the picture…I started thinking WTF! I can walk faster than this! Then, as we puttered along in the shiney new streetcar and slowly passed numerous Paul Allen developments I got it. Welcome to Allentown where a streetcar is nothing more than another way to sell condos! It certainly isn’t a very effective way to get from point A to point B.


Lake Union Park

Phase 1 of Lake Union Park opens this Wednesday, April 30, 2008. What’s not to like? And a reason to ride the SLUT.

P.S. I need help covering open space on this blog. If you are interested in contributing please contact me at:

stealth streetcar

Did you hear about the new First Hill Streetcar? Didn’t think so. Sound Transit is making real plans, but not many seem to have noticed. It will run from the International District up Jackson to 12th, north to Boren, then all the way to John on Broadway. Apparently an extension north on Broadway to Aloha is also being considered.

The rationale is that it will make up for the First Hill light rail station that got the ax because we’re to cheap to do it right. So if you’re bound for First Hill, one day you’ll be able to get off light rail at Broadway and Denny, come up and finish your journey on a street car instead of a bus.

I like streetcars but can’t help feeling some ambivalence over this one. It would be great for business on Broadway, no doubt. But it doesn’t seem like money very well spent in terms of the numbers of people it will serve. And the argument that it will be a catalyst for focussed new development doesn’t really apply since most of the route is already densely developed.

It will be interesting to see how the community reacts when this project gets closer to being real. The perceived success of the SLUT (South Lake Union Trolley) will likely have an influence on the public’s appetite for more streetcars.